Obama and Israel, the lighter side
The last few months have been trying. The state department has released a steady stream of leaks to the press to undermine Bibi and his election campaign, some of which are true but everyone knows, others more dubious. The Israeli public saw through these, but crucially, did the US public see through them ? Since Bibi's win, a seething Obama, known in Washington only for his tantrums these days, has issued further leaks. Some of them make frightening reading for the American people, e.g. "Israel is spying on the nuclear talks with Iran and leaking secrets to congress". Firstly, of course Israel is spying on those talks, its a existential threat, duh! Probably not via US sources but other parties to the talks. Secondly, and more frightening, is the fact that Obama wants to keep congress, and by implication the American people, in the dark as well as attempting to ride roughshod over them. So here is what you may not be hearing. I have been extensively reading the US